
Mario Zorzi was born in 1984 in Verona, where he currently works.

In 2010 he obtained a master’s degree in publishing and multimedia communication followed by a master’s degree in computer graphic.
Since 2011 he has been working as compositor, editor and motion designer on different productions for videos and commercials.

Aside from his main job, almost as a way of detoxing from the digital world, he has started shooting and developing his own negatives as well as shooting super 8 films, mainly because he does not want to leave his future children just a bunch of computer files.

From 2011 to 2020 he focused on documenting his father’s Alzheimer disease through his first photography project called “Nelle mani del padre“.

Write me!

info@mariozorzi.it    LinkedIn    IMDb    Vimeo    @itsmariozorzi    @mario.zorzi